Sunday, April 6, 2014

Ampang Jumble sale

It was nice to have participated in a jumble sale yesterday selling old stuffs that would be a treasure for others but less useful for me ( wouldn't want to call it trash as it sounds disrespectful in my perspective to the next person).

The event opened up my view over appreciation and value. The crowd that came were from all walks of life, some well to do peeps, medium class and mostly migrant workers who's looking for a bargain.

I had to fight with the neighbouring vendors who were my BBGS classmates in a price war to get our stuffs sold the quickest. I had only a handful of product so i won the time test, and because my goods were expensive, I managed to make my sales quicker as well. But my respect goes to friends that stayed till late to finish their sales in the hot hall. It was tough, whatmore the hall was situated next to a market, so the smell from the market weren't too pleasing too.. :-)

The people in front of my stall were selling 4 tops ( Massimo Dutti, MNG and the likes of it) for RM10!!!! Gile murah! But I didn't buy any because I promised myself to not buy anything but books and stuff for my kids.

It was interesting that someone's clutter seems precious and valuable to others. It was also interesting that after many years, I sat in the seller seat yesterday begging and pleading for these people to buy my stuffs and see them bargaining back.

It was also an eye opener to see how tired we were at the end of the event and I couldn't stop imagining the difficulty of a person that does this on a daily basis. Having to get up early and having to negotiate throughout the day to make a profit. Most of us sits in an air-conditioned office and sit our way through our deals and negotiations in class..

I still have my backache from the half day sitting on the hard chair yesterday and carrying the stuffs in and out of the car. Here's a thumbs up and respect to all those sellers out there. It's tough being in your shoes and here I am returning it back to you, but I must say that it's good to once in a while borrow your shoes as a self reminder for me.

Have a good and joyous day everyone! and to team Ampang Jumble Sale 2.0, 2 thumbs up for making it possible for us all to have the experience and to have our storeroom cleared for once! Hehe

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