Sunday, March 9, 2014

Don't just teach your children to read...

George Carlin, “Don't just teach your children to read. Teach them to question what they read. Teach them to question everything.'

I notice that there's not many who instil reading habit in their children. But as the saying goes, children are like a piece of white cloth, you mold them accordingly. If parents do not buy them books or directing them towards the habit of reading, how do we expect them read?

Reading also help one to speak better english. Must say it was my way of learning. Ayah had a vision of what he wanted us to be, and he gave all his heart and soul in making it happen. We can't thank him enough for that!

Be with your children in the journey. Excite them about reading. Allow them to ask, to question things and let them ignite ideas, queries and concerns, so that they will have an analytical mind. Don't shoo away questions, help them through for better understanding. They are too young to make their own assumptions. Yes, you must allow them to be creative, but you must be there to hold their hands as well. It works better that way!

If you haven't started, start small, you want them to like it, don't make it a chore for them to do it. Making it a habit would mean making it fun. Excite them about gaining knowledge. Gaining knowledge is a responsibility of all muslims.

This also applies to anything you want them to do.. Pray, eat veggie, be polite, have table manners, be a lady, be a good muslim. Train them from young. You can't expect them to grow up and figure out things on their own. What if they don't?

Besides, it is our responsibility to make sure that they become a good person and would be making good judgement in life. Atleast, we have to help them take the first step. Let's start, you wouldn't want to see your children growing up till age 20 and regretting that you did not teach them this and that. Let's pick the right trades and direct them towards that direction today!


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