Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A wife like an angel in Jannah

I always remember how my mum kept on reminding me that if a woman can bow to another human, it would be her husband. With that echoing in my mind day by day, I see it as a precious responsibility that I carry as a wife. I have also read about the angels in heaven where they are always ready to please and serve their husbands.

I want to be that kind of wife, whom is always there to serve like the angels. It's not always easy because I'm also a mother, a staff, a daughter and most importantly, a servant to my Greatest Creator. Nonetheless, I dream to be the head wife for my beloved Mr Incredible in the hereafter, InsyaAllah. So I cannot give up to always be the best here, for the reward shall awaits in the beautiful Jannah.

My beautiful children, thank you for understanding that my responsibility is to always first serve daddy, although he never asked for me to do so. You never complained and even at your young age understood that no matter what, my sincere love for the 3 of you is deeper than the ocean can be.

Someday, you too shall be married. I must pass to you the advice my mother have passed on to me, a woman is to take care of her prayers( Worship Allah SWT), to love and follow the teaching of the Prophet SAW, to serve her beloved husband for as long as it's not against the teaching of Islam, to protect herself from wrongdoings and she shall choose whichever door she wishes to enter to Jannah. InsyaAllah..

I pray for that opportunity, for all women and most especially for my 3 princesses, Kamilia Anaqi, Khayla Anaqi, Miyoko Anaqi.
I will try my very best to set my priorities right and wishing that the glittering worldly temptations, will not stand in my way of achieving my dreams. Amin

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