Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wealth in my eyes...

I'm no great human to talk about solat and iman, so my writing today is not to talk about me, rather sharing what has crossed my path and i thought would be great to share.
A few years back, 3 years rather, i stumbled upon an article written by Wardina Safiyyah, which has really changed my perspective over success and happiness. She was sharing about how she's teaching her daughter Iman to pray at an early age. It's not easy, i definitely understand it now, but the fulfillment of understanding that happiness and success is not in how much money or wealth you leave behind for your children, her writing opened my eyes about greater wealth than money.

Teaching Kamilia to pray 5 times a day since 7 years old was quite a roller coaster ride, again, here i am teaching my daughter to do something i was not able to do when i was her age. Don't get me wrong, my parents gave me all the necessary teaching for me to be a good muslim, it was very much me.
I'm ashamed, but I would want my children to taste and understand Allah's greatness since young and i trust it's the least that i can do for the amanah that Allah SWT has granted me with.

Let's go back to the main purpose I'm writing this... From the article, I had a deep chat with Yusri planning on how we would want our children's journey to be. The article shared with us the difficulties, but we were to discover it's remarkable outcome at the end of the journey. Islam emphasizes that children are to perform 5 times a day prayers by 10 years old, but having gone through the practise since 7, at 10, praying is a necessity already for the little angel.

Fajr calling is as simple as touching her feet gently for her to rise. I am grateful to Allah SWT, My Prophet for his teaching and to Wardina Safiyyah for opening my eyes. She perhaps doesn't know me, though our children goes to the same school, but that article made me take that 'turn' at an early juncture and it was one of the best decisions in my life.

Now, Kamilia is the one teaching me and telling me the need to solat sincerely, to surrender our whole being to our Creator, thanks to Adni Islamic School for that great teaching too. We are Muslim and The Life and Teaching of Prophet Muhammad SAW subjects in the school is a fantastic basic for children her age.

I was sick recently and told Kamilia about it, during Maghrib, I saw her Sujud much longer than normal. After prayers, i asked her why did she do so? She innocently told me, "Mummy, i did a Dua for you, that Allah grant you health and so that Allah forgives all your wrongdoings, if any".

I cried, and could not be happier, and i came to a realization that there are far more greater wealth than money, big houses, big cars and it lies in Iman. Pray for me that I am able to always mould my children towards a fulfilling wealth which benefits them in duniyya and hereafter. InsyaAllah.

Again... Thanks Wardina. I pray for Allah's blessings for you and Family and may there be a Palace built in Jannah for you. Amin
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