Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Japan Escapade

A few of my darlings are going to Japan soon. So I add a few pics on why i LOVE Japan..

The People are kind and polite, may seems reserve at times, but ask for help and you shall see their kindness.. I asked this man if i can take picture of his kawaii grandson, he just smiled and posed.

The toilets are super clean. All your 'businesses' basically runs in the bowl. There's those buttons next to the seat for you to wash and clean. They also even have a button for music or flushing sound for you to use if you do not want others to hear you.. Hahahaha.. and also heater button for winter time.. Fantastic!

The fresh Sushi.. Need i say more?

The fun people who could just dress any way they want and others will just understand and respect, no funny looks. 

They are proud of their culture, we should be too.
The sweet winter fruits!
Takeshita Dori at Harajuku and the 5 Floors 100 yen shop! you'd go crazy. you can buy your souvenirs here for your friends at 100 yen each. There's huge section of Hello Kitty, My Melody stuffs which are super duper cute.

They even have a specific spot for smoking...
High Fashion street Ginza... You can find Burberry Blue Label( only sold in Japan and London) here

Off course shopping in Ameyo Yokocho.. No immitations in Japan, don't worry
Robust network of train and metro.. Clean. Everybody read or browse movie in the train, it's quiet
Outlet shopping in Gotemba.. Also mount fuji at the back.. Must go!
Their supermarket with all the kawaii stuff, they are serious about presentation
The famous shibuya crossing. You can walk from here to harajuku, around 15-20 minutes walk. along the way there's a big ABC Mart

It's beautiful
I just remember Ultraman movie when i see this
They have great cars!
Your heart will leap even when you're greeted by their airport trolley... hahahaha
Tanoshimu ! Have Fun!


Unknown said...

Amy I can't wait to go. Uwaaaa!super duper excited. InsyaAllah semua dipermudahkan.

Harajuku1978 said...

I'm so happy for you and I must say that we have the thought of going too like a gazzilion times in our head everyday.. It will be the whole batalion this time if we are. And Kamilia need to get top 3, dat's our terms to her.. we'll see, hopefully we can make our Harajuku experience together...

Harajuku1978 said...
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